Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Silly me. I was just going to sign on and write about how I'm between feedings (Jordanna's and mine) and ha ha, the baby nurse reminded me that I forgot to pump...and also, forgot my password so I just wasted the last 5 minutes resetting it so i can forget it again.

Anyone at work wouldn't recognize the forgetful- disorganized-NOTHING-filed-me. This is the new me, according to everyone w/a baby.

It's a miracle this little girl (her, not me) gets fed and changed on any regular schedule.

Oh, in case you hadn't guessed, Jordanna Heather Silverstein was born!!! September 20, 2008 at 10:20am weighing 8lbs 1.5oz and she was 19 3/4in long.

Yipee!!! I'm a mommy, A's a daddy and there are four thrilled grandparents.

I'll start her her own blog when I remember to eat my own lunch and nap (ha!). For now, she's 100% perfect and I'm figuring out my new self in my new role. Some wise woman told me there is no more "back to normal" there is a NEW normal. Wonder if my new-normal feet will fit back- into my normal size shoes!

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